Severing Ties Series: Jason Janssen

As part of 2021 American Craft Beer Week, we are kicking off our first ever Severing Ties Series Spotlight! We are thrilled to introduce you to local craft beer lover, Jason Janssen!

Jason recently shared: "Today I made a choice... I chose uncertainty, I chose discomfort, I chose more work for less pay, I chose to listen to my heart and follow my dreams, and I chose to serve others over everything else. Today, I was given the opportunity to join Sioux Falls Fire Rescue as a full-time, career firefighter, and will begin the 16 week academy this summer as a firefighter candidate. I am excited to start this chapter of my life and I have two goals going in:

1- I want to be able to say, with certainty, that I was able to help others.
2- I want to have fun!"

THIS is what Severance and "severing ties" is all about. Congrats Jason! We are so excited for your new venture and wish you all the best as you change directions and pursue a life more fulfilled in serving others!

Have you or someone you know recently severed ties in a big way? Click below to learn more and submit a nomination!